Thursday, April 30, 2009

A few bands I need to see before I die

My top 10 bands/artists in no particular order (I've also linked to youtube vids of my favs from each):

Red Hot Chili Peppers
Dashboard Confessional (I almost passed out from excitement at this concert)
Jack's Mannequin (I was front row at THIS concert!)
Weezer (I included a vid below, so no link here)
Ben Harper (I named my dog after this man)
Dave Matthews Band
Jack Johnson
Rage Against the Machine
Stereophonics (this song is bittersweet-the ex used to play&sing it for me)/Counting Crows/Athlete (I know that's more than 10, don't judge me)

I've already seen Red Hot Chili Peppers, whom are a major love of mine. The concert was awesome, but Gnarl's Barkley (who opened) sucks live. Other favorites were Jack's Mannequin (twice), and Dashboard Confessional (looveee). Counting Crows was alright, but he was too wasted to function.

I'm hoping to see Ben Harper live this summer (EXCITED!) and also Dave Matthews Band this coming September (DOUBLE EXCITED!)

Weezer is next on my list for a must see. El Scorcho, Undone (sweater song), and Say it Ain't So are my favorite songs by them. Here's some Say it Ain't So (live version) for your musical enjoyment.

Again, You're welcome. =D


"Without music, life would be an error." - Nietzsche

1 comment:

Ali said...

Nice post. You should try "Top 10 Albums I can Listen to from beginning to end without skipping a song" or "Top 25 albums of all time" - I have drafts of both of these for my blog. Sorta a lot harder than you would expect!