Thursday, April 30, 2009

A few bands I need to see before I die

My top 10 bands/artists in no particular order (I've also linked to youtube vids of my favs from each):

Red Hot Chili Peppers
Dashboard Confessional (I almost passed out from excitement at this concert)
Jack's Mannequin (I was front row at THIS concert!)
Weezer (I included a vid below, so no link here)
Ben Harper (I named my dog after this man)
Dave Matthews Band
Jack Johnson
Rage Against the Machine
Stereophonics (this song is bittersweet-the ex used to play&sing it for me)/Counting Crows/Athlete (I know that's more than 10, don't judge me)

I've already seen Red Hot Chili Peppers, whom are a major love of mine. The concert was awesome, but Gnarl's Barkley (who opened) sucks live. Other favorites were Jack's Mannequin (twice), and Dashboard Confessional (looveee). Counting Crows was alright, but he was too wasted to function.

I'm hoping to see Ben Harper live this summer (EXCITED!) and also Dave Matthews Band this coming September (DOUBLE EXCITED!)

Weezer is next on my list for a must see. El Scorcho, Undone (sweater song), and Say it Ain't So are my favorite songs by them. Here's some Say it Ain't So (live version) for your musical enjoyment.

Again, You're welcome. =D


"Without music, life would be an error." - Nietzsche

Drunk Texting

Click the title of this post to see a hilarious website called "Texts From Last Night". The author/s have compiled a list of random text messages that people probably regret.=)

Here are a few of my favs from the site.

"(912): i woke up with socks on this morning
(485): so?
(912): i didnt wear socks last night"

"(832): I have the sudden urge to buy a Snuggie and wear it to the grocery store."

"(843): so i woke up this morning thinking _____ was in bed with me. . .but it was only a half eaten sonic burger"

I have a policy regarding text messages. If I know I've been naughty drunk texting whilst drinking, I will delete my entire inbox and outbox from my phone. It's a Don't Ask, Don't Tell type of policy. Here's a picture of one of those nights courtesy of my friend Abby.

You're welcome.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Gay Marriage in Iowa

So, I think it's really cool that Iowa has decided to allow same-sex marriage. It makes me really proud to be an Iowan. I'm a feminist in the sense that I believe in equality for all people. I personally really like boy parts, but I don't think it's my place to judge you if you swing the other way. I can completely understand if you really like boy parts too, they are cool. I also think boobs are cool, and would someday like some better ones. So, I get it if you like them a lot more than I do.

My thoughts are, if you are against it because it makes your heterosexual marriage "less special", get married in a church and get your pic taken with a priest. He'll think you're special.

The whole problem I believe is the actual term "marriage". Way back in the day when America became America we screwed up. The whole idea of "separation of church and state" was immediately reneged with this stupid word. The term "marriage" encompasses all things government and religion. Shit USA, we f'd up. This term has been around so long that we cannot separate it now. I understand the religious aspect of marriage, but believe it should be completely separate from the legal aspect.

My solution is simple, but will never happen. A "Civil Union" should be the legal version of marriage that has all the tax benefits, and blah blah that we have now with a "marriage" license signed in a court house. Gay, Lesbian, and Heterosexual couples would be able to obtain these. The term "marriage" should be a separate union between two people in a religious setting. If said setting allows gay marriage, then so be it. However, I don't think there should be any legal advantages to getting "married" in a church. The government should completely step away from that particular term. Why won't this ever happen? Because people don't want to be "Civil Unionized", they want to be "Married". Everyone thinks they're special, and really... you're probably not.

Anyone want to start a wedding planning business with me?

~L McP

"Who would give a law to lovers? Love is unto itself a higher law." ~Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy, A.D. 524


I realize I haven't raved about the little man since re-starting the blog. He is a Silky Terrier named Harper. He turned 1 March 20th. And he's my little fur-ball love-muffin.

Here he is cuddled up next to me on the couch.

Here he is in his car seat. Yes, I put him in a car seat. Don't judge me.

=) L McP

Monday, April 27, 2009

I've got love for C. Ferg.

If you don't already know, I really love Craig Ferguson. (on CBS after Letterman!) Maybe it's because we're both Scottish, maybe it's because he's kind of a pervert, or maybe it's because of our shared love for puppets. This video is from the intro to one of his shows, and I love it.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Holy crap, kids! I am TIRED!

Let me tell you why. Shan and I went on a bar crawl in Chicago this weekend with some of our very close friends. The "Cover your bases" crawl started at 1:30PM and went until 12:30-1:00AM in the Wrigleyville area. I paced myself very well considering, drank lots of water, and then got a little ridiculous. Long story short- I got about 7-8 hours of sleep total this weekend. As soon as my trashy VH1 shows are over, this girl is passing out.

Speaking of VH1. One of my favorite things to do now is watch the trashy reality dating shows on Sunday night. I try to stay pretty low drama, but I am female. We thrive on drama. I'd rather get it on my 42 inch LG flatscreen TV than in my own life. Currently my two favorites are Tough Love, and Daisy of Love. Let me tell you why.

Tough Love is a show that is supposed to teach these crazy women why they suck at dating. The main reason I love it is that it makes me feel extremely normal. These girls are mostly a complete disaster.

Daisy of Love just started tonight. She was on Rock of Love with Brett Michaels, but lost. Now she's trying to "find love". She's like a walking, talking cartoon character. Umm. Awesome. The guys are also very strange. Hilarious. I'll keep you posted.

Now, I'm going to pass out.

"Save the drama for your momma!" (Or in this case, Trashy TV Night on the flatscreen!)

~L McP