Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Birthday is coming up.... hint... hint...

So my birthday is coming up. I though I should share with you a list of things I want. It's in about 2 1/2 weeks. So I think you all have enough time to get these things for me.


If you don't remember, I wanted this car for a rental when the Subaru (lez-mobile) was in the shop getting some body work done. I ended up with a Mazda 5 mini-van instead. Please refer to this link if you don't remember. Well I've decided that a rental just isn't good enough, I would please like this car to drive all the time.


I want the balloon of course. What is a birthday without birthday balloons? If this man is attached to the balloon it would probably be okay if you brought him along as well. I'm sure I could figure out somewhere to put him.


(Ali, I know how much you love these. I have also had a slight obsession with them since I was about 4. I'll share if someone gets me one.) I don't want the picture, I want the actual unicorn. It would be greatly appreciated if you threw in a saddle or something. I am not an avid rider and would probably fall off bareback.


No, don't get me Robert Pattinson. I want the real thing- Edward Cullen, glittery vampire skin and all.

# 5. A Butler

I need someone that will answer my door, and do some cooking and cleaning around the house. If he looks like the man above holding the balloon, that would be perfect. No clothing required.


What girl doesn't want a shopping spree for her birthday? Stacy and Clinton would be the perfect shopping partners! Included with this should be a $5,000 Visa card.


The house doesn't have to be this exact one, I'm not even sure if this one has a pool or not.

And last but certainly not least....


I don't want Kanye West as "mine" per say. I just want him to throw me a kickass birthday party at my new house. I hear his parties are pretty baller, and I'd like one for myself.

Oh, if someone could get me an ice cream cake from Culver's that would be pretty sweet too.



(DISCLAIMER: Not to be taken seriously, obviously. Well, except for the cake maybe. I do love ice cream cake.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

under reactions, "delusional" should also be a choice...