So, I think it's really cool that Iowa has decided to allow same-sex marriage. It makes me really proud to be an Iowan. I'm a feminist in the sense that I believe in equality for all people. I personally really like boy parts, but I don't think it's my place to judge you if you swing the other way. I can completely understand if you really like boy parts too, they are cool. I also think boobs are cool, and would someday like some better ones. So, I get it if you like them a lot more than I do.
My thoughts are, if you are against it because it makes your heterosexual marriage "less special", get married in a church and get your pic taken with a priest. He'll think you're special.
The whole problem I believe is the actual term "marriage". Way back in the day when America became America we screwed up. The whole idea of "separation of church and state" was immediately reneged with this stupid word. The term "marriage" encompasses all things government and religion. Shit USA, we f'd up. This term has been around so long that we cannot separate it now. I understand the religious aspect of marriage, but believe it should be completely separate from the legal aspect.
My solution is simple, but will never happen. A "Civil Union" should be the legal version of marriage that has all the tax benefits, and blah blah that we have now with a "marriage" license signed in a court house. Gay, Lesbian, and Heterosexual couples would be able to obtain these. The term "marriage" should be a separate union between two people in a religious setting. If said setting allows gay marriage, then so be it. However, I don't think there should be any legal advantages to getting "married" in a church. The government should completely step away from that particular term. Why won't this ever happen? Because people don't want to be "Civil Unionized", they want to be "Married". Everyone thinks they're special, and really... you're probably not.
Anyone want to start a wedding planning business with me?
~L McP
"Who would give a law to lovers? Love is unto itself a higher law." ~Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy, A.D. 524
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